I-SODOG i-Dog Robot Dances, Shakes, Understands Voice Commands, and Totally Rocks! I-Sodog!

This dog robot has 15 servo motors (joints), 3 on each foot.
Can be programmed to add a new move (like Aibo, Genibo)
What is unique, it can be controlled robot dog iOS and Android devices
Can operate for 1 hour.

Prostitution was replaced by Robots

Prostitution was replaced by Robots

Prostitution - the oldest profession in the world - threatened by industrial robot sex, the researchers claim. A study in New Zealand claimed that the sex tourism industry will change in 2050.


Yaskawa-kun: Robot Ice cream seller in Japan
Just look at the ice cream seller all children must be happy, let alone selling it a cute robot Yaskawa-kun is a robot ice cream vendor who was selling ice cream at a theme park in Japan, precisely in Tokyo Summerland.


Aquabotix, Mobile Controlled Submarine

Until now, shooting underwater requires a team of divers and underwater cameras are expensive, but now the iPad-controlled robot will replace the job.

Sand Flea ROBO

In accordance with the title of this post "Modern Surveillance Robots, Technology article will review one of the robot technology that was developed by company Boston Dynamics, Yup ... just directly observe ^ _ ^


Robo-Barmaid: the future Bartender, many robots seem to take over some human tasks and allow for an increase in unemployment. One is Robo Barmaid (Asahi Beer Robot) which served to replace the duty bartender at the bar or nightclub.

Ardrone Flying Robot

Ardrone can be controlled using the iOS (Apple) or Android. This robot has a sensor and a good program to maintain stability during flight.