Many people assume is a cyborg robot. This though is a different matter. Understanding the robot itself is a tool that has a function to help meet human needs. while the cyborg is a human using a tool like hp, laptop,
plane and others so as to obtain exceptional ability in meeting the needs of life. But with the advancement in technology has been able to connect the human network with robots, cyborgs in use in defense and security. according to some definitions warwick cyborg humans would allow use of any technology, whether it's a glass eye, a bike, or a pen, and that's enough considered cyborgs. And many experts agree on the simple definition. which combines technology with human biology. by george human landow always going to be a cyborg, digital media experts from universities brown.

Something very unusual such as a piano or clothes can be classified as a component yborg present, but the public would regard it as something very unusual, according to Spence. He proposed that humans use technology in sekrang this will not satisfy the definition of a cyborg in futuristic.ini mengimplkasikan that popler definition of cyborg could run aground or may not be affordable. idak it will happen now. but it will happen in the future Menrut Spence become cyborg is a human being valuable because of technology. This definition is the most useful definition Menrut Spence technically but less menyenagkan .period of defining the robot so that it is fun