In the present age the number of robots so many areas most in Asia, 32% in Europe, 16% in North America, 1% in Australia and 1% longer exist in Africa. But 30% of existing robots in the world are in Japan that the country is a country that has the highest number of robots. in japan and south korea ideas on
improving the quality of the robot to improve the robot's ability to solve problems is very good and positive. in china is very helpful and good robots to help humans in their daily human needs, play with and learn with children or replace function as a pet. "This is an era where robots and humans will fit" according to the Asian people, especially in the g Jepan support for making a robot in Japan and asia. Even in south korea have targeted that by the year 2015 -2020 every home in the country there will be a robot to compete in the Japanese teknlogi.

Different from those in Europe and the western world are not very supportive of the presence of highly sophisticated robots, probably in because a lot of media that depict robots will take over the world. Some even claim that the robot is going to threaten human life in the future. Which caused confidence in the human and social life will be reduced

From the above opinion has been explained that the robot is a remarkable phenomenon if the robot had started in production and be spread in the world, due to the presence of the robot causes the positive and negative impacts in accordance with sudat of view, respectively. many who favor some are denied the presence of the robot

With the robot would be very helpful human tasks that are sometimes difficult to be resolved because it has a high ability in concentration and accuracy. the existence of an industrial robot also will accelerate produksinya.dalam robot almost difficult to do his job in an error state because it is in a different program to do their jobs with humans will someday be careless on the job

but on the other hand some say that the presence of robots in human life in the future will be more of a negative impact on the positive. according to them with the robot will make the lazy man will be a task that must be completed. thus changing human mindset in because tertalalu in spoiled by the ability of the robot. will bermunculnya rampant negative nature in their daily lives such as lazy, lacking concentration was, stupid, and others.

Human beings will be less concerned about other human beings because of the loss of a sense of tolerance, mutual assistance, cooperation towards his job because it was done by a robot. which in humans would be more worried about not being social. have abnormalities in socialization, communication thus becomes a loner and always interact with electronic devices such as robots, computers and others.