

When a man can not be present on site to perform a job because it is dangerous, far away, or inaccessible, teleoperated robots, or telerobots used. Rather than following a predetermined sequence of movements,
a telerobot is controlled from a distance by a human operator. The robot may be in another room or another country, or may be on a very different scale to operator.Sebagai instance, a laparoscopic surgery robot allows the surgeon to work inside a human patient on a relatively small scale compared to open surgery, significantly shortening recovery time .  When disabling a bomb, the operator sends a small robot to disable it. Some authors have used a device called Longpen to sign books remotely. teleoperated robot aircraft, like the Predator Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, are increasingly being used by the military. These pilotless drones can search terrain and fire on targets.  Hundreds of robots such as iRobot's Packbot and Foster-Miller Talon used in Iraq and Afghanistan by the United States military to defuse roadside bombs or improvised explosive devices (IEDs) in an activity known as explosive ordnance disposal (EOD ).